AFSA Mission Statement
The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is the voice of the merit shop automatic fire sprinkler contractor.
In support of the merit shop objective, the American Fire Sprinkler Association promotes the development of educational and training programs to maintain the quality and effectiveness of automatic fire sprinklers, encourages an expanded role for automatic fire sprinklers in protecting lives and property, disseminates information on labor, technology and business, and provides programs to enhance business practices for the merit shop contractor.
The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is the voice of the merit shop automatic fire sprinkler contractor.
In support of the merit shop objective, the American Fire Sprinkler Association promotes the development of educational and training programs to maintain the quality and effectiveness of automatic fire sprinklers, encourages an expanded role for automatic fire sprinklers in protecting lives and property, disseminates information on labor, technology and business, and provides programs to enhance business practices for the merit shop contractor.
NEWS for REVIEWSouthern Fire Sprinkler Summit 2025
Smooth Operators...A Board that Gets IT | |
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Friends, the Governor announced today the activation of Open Safely which is an online portal for existing closed businesses to and declare the intention to reopen under the restrictive measures.
The way it works is you go to and complete the quick process, you will receive the current life safety and COVID mitigation standards along with a placard to post. The business will then receive real-time updates on changes to include when opening is allowed for the specific type of business. This information will be transparent and shared with local officials. Please forward this link and encourage registration. Chief H. "Butch" Browning Louisiana State Fire Marshal |

Recent LSPP Education Board Approved Training Courses/Certifications
Federal Bill Would Offer Tax Incentives for Fire Protection
Retrofit Installations
Congress recently introduced H.R. 4685, a bill to encourage building owners to invest in fire sprinkler retrofits. If passed, the legislation would accelerate the depreciation rate for residential and non-residential buildings 75 feet tall or higher to 15 years – from the current depreciation rate of 39 years for non-residential buildings and 27.5 for residential properties.
This legislation builds on the Federal Fire Sprinkler Tax Incentive, which enables small businesses covered under section 179 to deduct the cost of retrofitting their buildings up to $1 million for each year of the expense. Building owners can also deduct interest from any loan they receive to install, retrofit or upgrade fire sprinkler systems.
Northeast LA Job Fair
Monroe Civic Center
Feb. 18, 2020
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Baton Rouge Community College
March 24, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
LFSA NextGenners will be at these Job Fairs promoting the Fire Sprinkler Industry
Robert L. Vandersypen
Andersen Fire Protection
15 years as an AFSA Member
Join your Local AFSA Chapter
Home Fire Sprinkler Week
LFSA Seminar and Vendor Fair
April 9, 2019 - Hilton Capitol Baton Rouge
LFSA April, July and October Meeting Dates & Locations
LFP Antifreeze helps meet NFPA requirements for use of listed antifreeze

LFP Antifreeze for Fire Sprinkler Systems | |
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JC announces first UL Certified Antifreeze Solution for Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler Systems | |
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LFSA February 5th Seminars & Meetings
LFSA Donates $20,000.00 to JDRF
in honor of Brad Bella, son of VJ Bella
12th Annual LFSA Golf Tournament
October 24, 2018
Santa Maria Golf Course
Tournament Results
1st Place Gross Fire Sprinkler Services
1st Place Net Austin Fire Systems
2nd Place Gross Grace Hebert Architects
3rd Place Gross Facility Planning & Control
Longest Drive Aaron Wilson (Ferguson)
Closest to the Pin #5 Heath Cox (Fire Sprinkler Serv)
Closest to the Pin #17 Ryan McIntyre (Relaible)
1st Place Gross Fire Sprinkler Services
1st Place Net Austin Fire Systems
2nd Place Gross Grace Hebert Architects
3rd Place Gross Facility Planning & Control
Longest Drive Aaron Wilson (Ferguson)
Closest to the Pin #5 Heath Cox (Fire Sprinkler Serv)
Closest to the Pin #17 Ryan McIntyre (Relaible)
of the 12th Annual JDRF Golf Tournament
Globe and Ameripipe
Tyco and Core & Main
Louisiana Fire Extinguisher
Fire Tech Systems, Inc
Refreshment Sponsor
V J Bella
Viking Supply Net & Fabrication
Lunch Sponsor
Baton Rouge Windustrial
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Moore Pump & Equipment
The Zulick Family
Hole Sponsors
LA Manufactured Housing Association
Clements Insurance Group
Himmel's Architectural Door & Hardware
Little Capital of LA
Courson Nickel
System Sensor
Firetrol Protection Services
Potter Electric Signal
Grace Hebert Architects
S & S Sprinkler
Coastal Fire Protection, LLC
Merit Sprinkler
Globe and Ameripipe
Tyco and Core & Main
Louisiana Fire Extinguisher
Fire Tech Systems, Inc
Refreshment Sponsor
V J Bella
Viking Supply Net & Fabrication
Lunch Sponsor
Baton Rouge Windustrial
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Moore Pump & Equipment
The Zulick Family
Hole Sponsors
LA Manufactured Housing Association
Clements Insurance Group
Himmel's Architectural Door & Hardware
Little Capital of LA
Courson Nickel
System Sensor
Firetrol Protection Services
Potter Electric Signal
Grace Hebert Architects
S & S Sprinkler
Coastal Fire Protection, LLC
Merit Sprinkler
LFSA Seminar &
Side by Side Burn Demonstration
Friday, July 20, 2018
Thank you to all of the Sponsors for their support in making the Side by Side Burn Demonstration a Hot Spot for learning about Safety and the Importance of Fire Sprinklers.
LFSA, LA State Fire Marshal's Office, NFPA , ACT Pipe & Supply
Ameripipe Supply, Building Reports, Chief Butch Browning-State Fire Marshal, Shreveport Fire Chief Steve Wolverton, Captain Charlie Metcalf, Chief Jerry Tarleton, St. George Fire Dept. Volunteers
Chief Melvin Wheet, Denham Springs Fire Dept. Volunteers, Core and Main, Cybertronic Coatings, Eddy Meyers, Ferguson Fire & Fabrication, Fire Fighters Association, Fire Tech Systems, Fire Sprinkler Services, Globe Fire Sprinkler Corporation, Jeff Allen & Lee Levesque, SC State Fire Fighters Association, Jefferson Sprinkler
Jeremie Ott & NextGen, LFSA Board Members, Merit Sprinkler Company, Robby Dawson-NFPA, S & S Sprinkler Company, Shreveport Fire Department, The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company, United Piping, Inc, Victaulic
Viking Supply Net & Fabrication
LFSA, LA State Fire Marshal's Office, NFPA , ACT Pipe & Supply
Ameripipe Supply, Building Reports, Chief Butch Browning-State Fire Marshal, Shreveport Fire Chief Steve Wolverton, Captain Charlie Metcalf, Chief Jerry Tarleton, St. George Fire Dept. Volunteers
Chief Melvin Wheet, Denham Springs Fire Dept. Volunteers, Core and Main, Cybertronic Coatings, Eddy Meyers, Ferguson Fire & Fabrication, Fire Fighters Association, Fire Tech Systems, Fire Sprinkler Services, Globe Fire Sprinkler Corporation, Jeff Allen & Lee Levesque, SC State Fire Fighters Association, Jefferson Sprinkler
Jeremie Ott & NextGen, LFSA Board Members, Merit Sprinkler Company, Robby Dawson-NFPA, S & S Sprinkler Company, Shreveport Fire Department, The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company, United Piping, Inc, Victaulic
Viking Supply Net & Fabrication
NextGen Social
Proud Mary's 360 Grill
July 19th - Shreveport, LA
Changes to the Life Safety & Property Licensing Law

Changes to the Life Safety & Property Licensing Law | |
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Federal Tax deduction available for Small Businesses to install
Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire service officials: Here’s some news that you can share with local small business owners to encourage them to install fire sprinklers.
Recent federal tax reform legislation — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — includes incentives that make it more affordable for small business owners to install fire sprinklers. Fire sprinkler systems are the only tool that can reduce the spread of fire, heat and smoke in a building and contain the fire until the fire department arrives.
This provides valuable time for employees and customers to escape a fire.
(The National Fire Sprinkler Association spotlights the dangers of businesses not using sprinkler systems and showcases the benefits of the new federal fire sprinkler tax incentive. Courtesy of the NFSA and YouTube. Posted on Apr 19, 2018.)
Small businesses can now deduct the expense of installing a fire sprinkler system on their federal taxes.
Under Section 179 of the tax code, fire sprinkler installation can be expensed up to $1 million for each year of the expense.
This incentive makes it possible for restaurants, retail outlets, night clubs and other small businesses to install, retrofit or upgrade their current fire suppression systems.
Also, small businesses can deduct the interest from any loan they receive for this type of renovation.
Recent federal tax reform legislation — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — includes incentives that make it more affordable for small business owners to install fire sprinklers. Fire sprinkler systems are the only tool that can reduce the spread of fire, heat and smoke in a building and contain the fire until the fire department arrives.
This provides valuable time for employees and customers to escape a fire.
(The National Fire Sprinkler Association spotlights the dangers of businesses not using sprinkler systems and showcases the benefits of the new federal fire sprinkler tax incentive. Courtesy of the NFSA and YouTube. Posted on Apr 19, 2018.)
Small businesses can now deduct the expense of installing a fire sprinkler system on their federal taxes.
Under Section 179 of the tax code, fire sprinkler installation can be expensed up to $1 million for each year of the expense.
This incentive makes it possible for restaurants, retail outlets, night clubs and other small businesses to install, retrofit or upgrade their current fire suppression systems.
Also, small businesses can deduct the interest from any loan they receive for this type of renovation.
LFSA Seminar & 3rd Annual Vendor Fair
April 24,2018
The April 24th Seminar, Vendor Fair and Social was a Success! 74 participants for NFPA 25 Seminar with Bob Capto, 16 vendors participated in the 3rd Annual Vendor Fair and special guests from the AFSA, NFPA, State Fireman's Association Board, and State Legislators. Thank YOU ALL for participating.

AFSA Newsletter | |
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State Fire Marshal Adopted Codes as of July 1, 2017

SFM Code Adoption | |
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$26,000.00 DONATED
1st Place - Core & Main/Tyco Team (49)
John Hunter, Johnathan Cremeans, Mark Wise, Tommy Williams
2nd Place - D & J Design Services Team (51)
Jesse Talley, Ryan Bellaci, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Chris Wilkins
3rd Place - Ferguson Fire & Protection Team (51)
Shawn O'Fallen, Eric Gill, Randy Laguna, Alan Laguna
Closest to the Pin - Jeremie Ott, S& S Sprinkler
Longest Drive
Men - Ryan McIntyre, Reliable
Women - Whitney Gardner, Ameripipe
Straightest Drive - Henry Schott,Calandro's Grocery
Ferguson Fire & Victaulic
Diamond Sponsors
Ameripipe, Globe, Reliable, Core & Main, Tyco
Gold Sponsors
Fire Tech, Excel Fire, Himmel's
Refreshment Sponsor
The V.J. Bella
Lunch Sponsors
Baton Rouge Modern Dentistry, Custom Security, Life Safety, Morgan Stanley, Calandro's Grocery
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Acadian Ambulance, Flexhead Industries
Longest Drive Sponsor
Hole Sponsors
Allen Jenkins & Family, Alumni Clothing Shop, BRASSCO, Clements Insurance Services, Courson Nickel, Little Capital of LA, LMHA, LAFAA, Moore Pump & Equipment, Solberg Foam, Stiel Industries, System Sensor, S & S Sprinkler, Commercial Title & Abstract Co, Milton J Womack, Coastal Fire Protection, Viking Supply Net, Merit Sprinkler, WHLC Architecture, US Fire Pump
Golf Teams
Ferguson Fire, Victaulic, Globe/Ameripipe, Core & Main/Tyco, Fire Tech/Excel, Reliable (2), Victaulic Bermad Tech., BRASSCO, Grace Hebert Architects, Facility Planning & Control, Little Capital of LA, LANCO, S &S Sprinkler, D & J Design Services, Morgan Stanley, Milton J Womack, Norred Fire Systems, Coastal Fire Protection, Reliable Automatic Sprinkler, Merit Sprinkler, Sonny Calandro, Austin Fire Systems
1st Place - Core & Main/Tyco Team (49)
John Hunter, Johnathan Cremeans, Mark Wise, Tommy Williams
2nd Place - D & J Design Services Team (51)
Jesse Talley, Ryan Bellaci, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Chris Wilkins
3rd Place - Ferguson Fire & Protection Team (51)
Shawn O'Fallen, Eric Gill, Randy Laguna, Alan Laguna
Closest to the Pin - Jeremie Ott, S& S Sprinkler
Longest Drive
Men - Ryan McIntyre, Reliable
Women - Whitney Gardner, Ameripipe
Straightest Drive - Henry Schott,Calandro's Grocery
Ferguson Fire & Victaulic
Diamond Sponsors
Ameripipe, Globe, Reliable, Core & Main, Tyco
Gold Sponsors
Fire Tech, Excel Fire, Himmel's
Refreshment Sponsor
The V.J. Bella
Lunch Sponsors
Baton Rouge Modern Dentistry, Custom Security, Life Safety, Morgan Stanley, Calandro's Grocery
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Acadian Ambulance, Flexhead Industries
Longest Drive Sponsor
Hole Sponsors
Allen Jenkins & Family, Alumni Clothing Shop, BRASSCO, Clements Insurance Services, Courson Nickel, Little Capital of LA, LMHA, LAFAA, Moore Pump & Equipment, Solberg Foam, Stiel Industries, System Sensor, S & S Sprinkler, Commercial Title & Abstract Co, Milton J Womack, Coastal Fire Protection, Viking Supply Net, Merit Sprinkler, WHLC Architecture, US Fire Pump
Golf Teams
Ferguson Fire, Victaulic, Globe/Ameripipe, Core & Main/Tyco, Fire Tech/Excel, Reliable (2), Victaulic Bermad Tech., BRASSCO, Grace Hebert Architects, Facility Planning & Control, Little Capital of LA, LANCO, S &S Sprinkler, D & J Design Services, Morgan Stanley, Milton J Womack, Norred Fire Systems, Coastal Fire Protection, Reliable Automatic Sprinkler, Merit Sprinkler, Sonny Calandro, Austin Fire Systems

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2017 AFSA Apprentice Champions
V. J. Bella's 90th Birthday Celebration and LFSA Meeting July 25th
LA State Fire Marshals Office
LFSA donates $5,000.00 to the
LA Fallen Firefighters Memorial
Engaging the Young Professionals

NEXTGEN - Engaging Young Professionals -Sprinkler Age Mag March/Apr 17 | |
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A Woman's Perspective....

A Woman's Perspective - Sprinkler Age Mag Mar/April'17 | |
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Joe Delaune, Chief Architect with
Code Adoptions scheduled 7/1/17
Please see the attached file for information in regard to Code Adoptions scheduled for 7/1/17

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Memo from LSFM Office Chief Delaune
Code Adoptions scheduled for 7/1/17
“Please let your membership know that at this time, the NFPA codes have already been adopted for July 1 implementation. They are published in the May Issue of the Louisiana Register, see pages 968 – 972 in the May edition here for a complete listing: .
The attached memo was distributed and placed on our website ( ), however a couple of clarifications may be needed regarding the LSUCCC code adoptions. We will not know the status of the ICC 2015 code adoptions until the Louisiana Register is published on or after June 20th. The LSUCCC is also scheduled to meet next Tuesday for further discussions on this topic.
The changes in the adopted NFPA editions are expected to allow for current means and methods of construction and for the latest tested technology with very few threshold changes. In other words, we have not found anything in the newer editions that will prevent a building that is designed in accordance with the current editions to also comply with the newer editions. More options have been made available in these editions. As such, plans that are submitted to this office on or after July 1st will be reviewed in accordance with the 2015 edition of NFPA 101 and the referenced documents. We expect a smooth transition on July 1st. “
The attached memo was distributed and placed on our website ( ), however a couple of clarifications may be needed regarding the LSUCCC code adoptions. We will not know the status of the ICC 2015 code adoptions until the Louisiana Register is published on or after June 20th. The LSUCCC is also scheduled to meet next Tuesday for further discussions on this topic.
The changes in the adopted NFPA editions are expected to allow for current means and methods of construction and for the latest tested technology with very few threshold changes. In other words, we have not found anything in the newer editions that will prevent a building that is designed in accordance with the current editions to also comply with the newer editions. More options have been made available in these editions. As such, plans that are submitted to this office on or after July 1st will be reviewed in accordance with the 2015 edition of NFPA 101 and the referenced documents. We expect a smooth transition on July 1st. “

2017 Code Adoptions.pdf | |
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May-June Sprinkler Age Magazine

May-June Sprinkler Age PAGE 68 | |
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THE LFSA Seminar & Vendor Fair
in Baton Rouge at the
Hilton Capital Center
The LFSA meeting had a great turn out. Fifty-four attendees for the seminar and many AHJ's class that was offered by the LFSA. The evening social allowed us to network with out local legislators and Fire Marshalls. The LFSA would like to thank you all for coming and participating in your organization. That is what it is for. See you at the July meeting. Mark your calendars now. July 25th!
Thank you to:
Ferguson Fire & Protection
HD Supply
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co
Service Trade
The Solberg Company
Tyco Fire Protection Products
Viking Group
for participating in the
2nd Annual Vendor Fair!
We appreciate your time and effort.
Ferguson Fire & Protection
HD Supply
Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co
Service Trade
The Solberg Company
Tyco Fire Protection Products
Viking Group
for participating in the
2nd Annual Vendor Fair!
We appreciate your time and effort.
NextGen Photos
New Orleans April 20, 2017 at
Muriel's Jefferson Square

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NextGen 2017 Goals Power Point Below

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NextGen Flyer | |
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Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
NFPA Side-By-Side Burn Demonstration
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: LLSSA Convention at The Pontchartrain Center
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: LLSSA Convention at The Pontchartrain Center
2016 Outstanding Chapter of the Year
The Louisiana Fire Sprinkler Association was chosen as the American Fire Sprinkler Association’s 2016 Outstanding Chapter of the Year at the annual convention in Nashville. Our members' commitment to providing excellent training for their employees and financial support for our state Fire Marshal’s office enables us to better our companies and our industry whose purpose is to save lives and protect property! Thank you for your continued commitment to LFSA.
FMAL BBQ Cookoff
October 1, 2016
State Issues and Understanding Legislatures
You may find these two publications helpful in learning the priority issues in your state and how to work the process.

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st-howtotrackstateleg-primer2016.pdf | |
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Donation to the Louisiana Fallen Firefighters Memorial
On April 2, 2016, The LFSA donated $2,500 to the Louisiana Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Baton Rouge, to build a canopy to cover their existing stage.
In 2015, the LFSA donated $5,000 to help build the memorial stage.
Pictured from left to right: Boyd Petty with the State Fire Marshal’s Office, Board members Mark Taylor & Richard Booth, V.J. Bella retired State Fire Marshal, President Linda Biernacki, Board members Nick Spano & Clayton Norred, and Nathan McCallum.
In 2015, the LFSA donated $5,000 to help build the memorial stage.
Pictured from left to right: Boyd Petty with the State Fire Marshal’s Office, Board members Mark Taylor & Richard Booth, V.J. Bella retired State Fire Marshal, President Linda Biernacki, Board members Nick Spano & Clayton Norred, and Nathan McCallum.
OSHA News Release - Feb. 16, 2016
National Safety Stand-Down highlights importance of preventing falls, leading cause of worker death, serious injury in the construction industry.

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2015 LFSA 9th Annual Golf Classic Benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
The LFSA would like to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored, played golf or made a donation at this year’s LFSA 9th Annual Golf Tournament on November 16th. This annual event is held in memory of Brad Bella and raises money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. It was a great success and we raised an impressive $20,000.
Our Golf Classic Winners were as follows:
1st Place: Mid South Fire Solutions team (Phillip Winston, Ryan McIntyre, Eric Greenfield, Kevin Anders)
2nd Place: Lanco Construction team (Jerry Melancon, NJ Damico, David Autin, Barry Gendrou)
3rd Place: Zulick Family team (Richard Zulick, Flynn Foster, Matt Purser, Scott Snyder)
Women’s Longest Drive: Janet Simoneaux, AIA Louisiana
Men’s Longest Drive: Aaron Mayers, Austin Fire Systems
Men’s Closest to Pin: N.J. Damico, Lanco Construction
We are very proud for the giving hearts of everyone involved and look forward to next years’ tournament planned for October 26, 2016 at 9am.
Our Golf Classic Winners were as follows:
1st Place: Mid South Fire Solutions team (Phillip Winston, Ryan McIntyre, Eric Greenfield, Kevin Anders)
2nd Place: Lanco Construction team (Jerry Melancon, NJ Damico, David Autin, Barry Gendrou)
3rd Place: Zulick Family team (Richard Zulick, Flynn Foster, Matt Purser, Scott Snyder)
Women’s Longest Drive: Janet Simoneaux, AIA Louisiana
Men’s Longest Drive: Aaron Mayers, Austin Fire Systems
Men’s Closest to Pin: N.J. Damico, Lanco Construction
We are very proud for the giving hearts of everyone involved and look forward to next years’ tournament planned for October 26, 2016 at 9am.
Critical Vote at June 25, 2015
NFPA Chicago Meeting
Frequently, important issues arise in the NFPA revision process that requires an organized industry response. In June, two motions will be considered at the NFPA meeting in Chicago which will impact our industry as well as our customers. The industry needs you get active and vote “NEGATIVE” on two motions.

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2014 LFSA 8th Annual Golf Classic Benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
This year’s Golf Classic was held at the Santa Maria Golf Course in Baton Rouge, LA. This annual event is held in memory of Brad Bella and raises money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. We are thrilled to report that we continued to receive more donations after the tournament which increased the amount raised to $18,616 for this deserving cause. A big Thank You goes out to all the sponsors and players who helped raise the funds. It was an enjoyable day for all, bringing together LFSA members, contractors, suppliers, fabricators, architects and engineers.
Mark your calendar for next years’ Golf Classic to be held on October 28, 2015.
MORE PHOTOS - Click this link below.
Mark your calendar for next years’ Golf Classic to be held on October 28, 2015.
MORE PHOTOS - Click this link below.
September is National Preparedness Month
Be Informed. Be Prepared.
September marks National Preparedness Month, an annual campaign coordinated by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to encourage Americans to make preparedness a part of their daily lives. In BOMA's latest vlog, BOMA International’s Director of Federal Affairs Jason Todd discusses one way BOMA is partnering with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to increase preparedness in the commercial real estate industry.
More information on the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign and the Real Estate Information Sharing and Analysis Center (REISAC) can be found on BOMA International’s Security & Emergency Preparedness webpage, which also features links to a number of other preparedness resources specifically geared towards commercial real estate. BOMA is also offering its Emergency Preparedness Guidebook, the industry’s most up-to-date guide to help property professionals prepare for and respond to a broad range of potential threats, at a discounted price during National Preparedness Month.
September marks National Preparedness Month, an annual campaign coordinated by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to encourage Americans to make preparedness a part of their daily lives. In BOMA's latest vlog, BOMA International’s Director of Federal Affairs Jason Todd discusses one way BOMA is partnering with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to increase preparedness in the commercial real estate industry.
More information on the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign and the Real Estate Information Sharing and Analysis Center (REISAC) can be found on BOMA International’s Security & Emergency Preparedness webpage, which also features links to a number of other preparedness resources specifically geared towards commercial real estate. BOMA is also offering its Emergency Preparedness Guidebook, the industry’s most up-to-date guide to help property professionals prepare for and respond to a broad range of potential threats, at a discounted price during National Preparedness Month.
Video interview with H. Butch Browning, Louisiana State Fire Marshal, about the future of fire safety. This was at ESX 2014 in Nashville.
LFSA members appointed to the Govenor's Life Safety & Property Protection Advisory Board
Congratulations to our LFSA members who have been appointed by Governor Bobby Jindal to serve on the Life Safety and Property Protection Advisory Board.
SimplexGrinnell : David Sisolak
Fire Tech Systems Inc. : Frank Gardner
S & S Sprinkler Co., LLC : Russell Guidry
Mid-South Fire Solutions LLC : Ed Bradshaw
SimplexGrinnell : David Sisolak
Fire Tech Systems Inc. : Frank Gardner
S & S Sprinkler Co., LLC : Russell Guidry
Mid-South Fire Solutions LLC : Ed Bradshaw

2014 Board Apts.pdf | |
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2024 Schedule
Seminars & Membership Meetings
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Tues, October 29, 2024
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Tues, October 29, 2024
Join us for the Q3 LFSA meeting Tuesday July 23, 2024

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2023 Schedule
LFSA GOLF Tournament
Monday, Oct 16, 2023
Santa Maria Golf Course
Oschner LSU Heatlth Burn Center
and Camp I'm Still Me
Thank you SPONSORS!
Presenting Sponsor
Louisiana Fire Extinguisher
Diamond Sponsors
Fire Tech Systems
Ferguson Fire & Fabrication
Gold Sponsor
Baton Rouge Windustrial
Lunch Sponsors
Potter Signal
Closest to Pin/Longest Drive Sponsors
Austin Fire Systems
Hole Sponsors
Baton Rouge Windustrial
Coastal Fire Protection
Cybertronic Controls
Merit Sprinkler
Moore Pump & Equipment
Potter Signal
S& S Sprinkler
Seminars & Membership Meeting
Oct 17, 2023
St George Fire District
Southern Fire Sprinkler Summit Photos
April 24th Social at Red Stick Social
February 6th - TOPGOLF SOCIAL
Come play and network at TOPGOLF
with your LFSA Family
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
RSVP with Ellen at [email protected]
with your LFSA Family
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
RSVP with Ellen at [email protected]
February 7th -LSFM Office
Seminars and Membership Meeting

LFSA 2.7.23 Registratioin form | |
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2022 LFSA Upcoming Events
15th Annual LFSA Golf Tournament
LFSA 15th Annual Golf Tournament
Monday, November 7, 2022
THANK YOU 2022 Sponsors
LFSA Social & Meeting
July 19th- 5:30pm - 7:00pm - Superior Grill MidCity
July 20th-7:30am LSFM Office 8181 Independence Blvd
it hot enough for you?!? MARK YOUR CALENDARS to spend a COOL day with your LFSA group this JULY.
Tuesday, July 19th – LFSA Social
Superior Bar & Grill MidCity (5435 Government St)
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, July 20th – Seminars and Meeting Day at the LA State Fire Marshals’ Office (Note the date is Wednesday versus our normal Tuesday)
7:30 am - 8:00 am Breakfast/Attendee Check-in
8:00 am - 10:00 am Comparing and Contrasting Residential Requirements in NFPA 13/13R/13D
10:15 am - 12:00 pm LFSA Chapter Membership Meeting
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:15 pm- 3:15 pm Obstruction Investigation in NFPA 25
2:30 pm- 4:00 pm LFSA Board Meeting (closed meeting)
Maricarmen can register you via digital or pdf. send in your information by pdf format, please fill out the attached and send it in. Digital – follow this link portal
We want to see as many of you there as possible. Please forward this email to all your fire marshals, AHJs in your area. The registration is FREE for all AHJs!
Huge Thank you to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
our Meeting/Event Sponsors in 2022!
January – Ferguson, Fire & Fabrication
April – Victaulic
JULY – Who will it be ??? Social & Lunch Sponsors wanted 😊
Tuesday, July 19th – LFSA Social
Superior Bar & Grill MidCity (5435 Government St)
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, July 20th – Seminars and Meeting Day at the LA State Fire Marshals’ Office (Note the date is Wednesday versus our normal Tuesday)
7:30 am - 8:00 am Breakfast/Attendee Check-in
8:00 am - 10:00 am Comparing and Contrasting Residential Requirements in NFPA 13/13R/13D
10:15 am - 12:00 pm LFSA Chapter Membership Meeting
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:15 pm- 3:15 pm Obstruction Investigation in NFPA 25
2:30 pm- 4:00 pm LFSA Board Meeting (closed meeting)
Maricarmen can register you via digital or pdf. send in your information by pdf format, please fill out the attached and send it in. Digital – follow this link portal
We want to see as many of you there as possible. Please forward this email to all your fire marshals, AHJs in your area. The registration is FREE for all AHJs!
Huge Thank you to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
our Meeting/Event Sponsors in 2022!
January – Ferguson, Fire & Fabrication
April – Victaulic
JULY – Who will it be ??? Social & Lunch Sponsors wanted 😊
LFSA 15th Annual Golf Tounament
Southern Fire Sprinkler Summit Picture Gallery
Southern Fire Sprinkler Summit
August 4-6, 2021
The Lodge at Gulf States Park, Gulf Shores, AL
Hosted by the
Louisiana, Alabama, & Arkansas AFSA Chapters
Thank you Southern Fire Sprinkler Summit Sponsors
LFSA Golf Tournament & Meeting
Monday, Oct 25, 2021 Santa Maria Golf Course
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021 Meeting, Seminar and Lunch (Location TBD)
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
ZOOM Meeting
MEMBERSHIP MEETING and Training Seminar with Reliable
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Register with Ellen at [email protected]
provide Name, Company and email address
Click Here to Register
Registration Deadline Friday, Oct 176, 2020
provide Name, Company and email address
Click Here to Register
Registration Deadline Friday, Oct 176, 2020
LFSA 2020 Meeting Dates
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Video Recording of
May 19th Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Louisiana State Fire Marshal's Office
8181 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
7:30 am - 8:00 am Light Breakfast & Registration
8:00 am - 12:00 pm NFPA 25 Step by Step Inspection
and Testing (Contractors)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch & Membership Meeting
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm NFPA 25 Stakeholders and
Responsibilities (AHJ's and
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm LFSA Board Meeting (Board Only)
Registration Deadline - January 28th - Click Here for Registration form
8:00 am - 12:00 pm NFPA 25 Step by Step Inspection
and Testing (Contractors)
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch & Membership Meeting
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm NFPA 25 Stakeholders and
Responsibilities (AHJ's and
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm LFSA Board Meeting (Board Only)
Registration Deadline - January 28th - Click Here for Registration form

Tuesday, Oct 15, 2019
Seminar, Membership Meeting and NextGen Social
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm Board Meeting (Board Members Only)
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Registration & Lunch
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm AFG Manufacturing
CEU CREDIT *Air Vents and Corrosion:
New Requirements of 2016 NFPA 13
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Fire Sprinkler System Tagging
With Ricky Roubique
4:00 pm -5:30 pm Membership Meeting
5:30 pm -7:00 pm NextGen Social
Sponsored by GLOBE
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm Board Meeting (Board Members Only)
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Registration & Lunch
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm AFG Manufacturing
CEU CREDIT *Air Vents and Corrosion:
New Requirements of 2016 NFPA 13
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Fire Sprinkler System Tagging
With Ricky Roubique
4:00 pm -5:30 pm Membership Meeting
5:30 pm -7:00 pm NextGen Social
Sponsored by GLOBE
April 8th NEXTGEN
Jolie Pearl Oyster Bar
(315 N Blvd)
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
April 9th, 2019
LFSA NFPA 25 Seminar, 4th Annual Vendor Fair, Side by Side Burn Demonstration, Legislative Social
Hilton Capitol Baton Rouge
(click on April 9th Registration information for all the details)

LFSA April 9th Meeting Information | |
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The LFSA will be donating a brick in honor of Nick Spano at this event
NFPA Announces dates for Home Fire Sprinkler Awareness Week
2019 Meeting Dates
LA Fire Chiefs Association (LFSA)
Annual Conference
March 18-23, 2019
Bossier City, LA
Bossier Civic Center
For More information call 225.767.7640
LFSA Seminar & Membership Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 23, 2018
LA State Fire Marshals Office
8181 Indendence Blvd
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm LA Madeleine
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Membership Meeting
Nicole Duvall, AFSA
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Board Meeting
4:30 pm NextGen Social at
Superior Grill
(6031,5435 Government St)
PLEASE RSVP To Ellen for the meeting and NextGen at
[email protected]
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Membership Meeting
Nicole Duvall, AFSA
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Board Meeting
4:30 pm NextGen Social at
Superior Grill
(6031,5435 Government St)
PLEASE RSVP To Ellen for the meeting and NextGen at
[email protected]
12th Annual LFSA-Louisiana
JDRF Golf Tournament
Presented by:

LFSA/JDRF Golf Tnmt 10-24-18 | |
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LFSA Seminar & Side by Side Burn
Friday, July 20, 2018
Welcome to the Other Side

july_20th_lfsa_meeting.pdf | |
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LFSA Seminar
Tuesday Oct 23rd
LA State Fire Marshals Office
8181 Independence Blvd
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Fish Fry
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Membership Mtg
Mini Seminar (TBD)
Guest Speaker (TBD)
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Board Mtg
4:30 pm NEXTGen Social
Superior Grill
Registration for Seminar forthcoming
Please RSVP with Jeremie Ott (j
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Membership Mtg
Mini Seminar (TBD)
Guest Speaker (TBD)
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Board Mtg
4:30 pm NEXTGen Social
Superior Grill
Registration for Seminar forthcoming
Please RSVP with Jeremie Ott (j

NFPA 25 Seminar & Vendor Fair Tuesday, April 24, 2018

fw__industry_vendor_fair_and_nfpa_25_seminar_in_baton_rouge.pdf | |
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LFSA Seminar and Vendor Fair Registration | |
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LFSA Vendor Fair Meeting
April 24, 2018
AFSA has developed a great new training program for Fire Sprinkler Inspectors.
Please go to Youtube (link below) and look at this promotional video explain the new ITM Program. We have a few open spots left in our fall class. How else can you get a green person trained and certified at NICET Level II in 20 months.
This is a GREAT Program for Contractors.
Please go to Youtube (link below) and look at this promotional video explain the new ITM Program. We have a few open spots left in our fall class. How else can you get a green person trained and certified at NICET Level II in 20 months.
This is a GREAT Program for Contractors.
State Fire Marshal Training & Events Calendar
Please click on link.
The Louisiana Fire Sprinkler Association is the voice of the merit shop automatic fire sprinkler contractor. In support of the merit shop objective, the LFSA promotes the development of educational and training programs to maintain the quality and effectiveness of automatic fire sprinklers in protecting lives and property, and provides programs to enhance ethical business practices. We work in cooperation and partnership with statewide AHJ's and support their children's educational activities to reinforce fire safety in homes, workplaces and schools.